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Friday, September 9, 2011

An Atheists View of 9-11

It is clear an atheist must take a very unpopular stance when it come to the 9-11 "tragedy" and upcoming memorial services. Survival of the fittest doesn't really allow for heroes and villains. The blind, cold and amoral process of evolution includes the reality of organisms killing each other, but we can't call that process bad any more than we could call the risking of one's life to save others good, noble or heroic. All this is merely a natural process. Survival of the fittest, assuming it is really the right way to describe a totally pointless universe, would leave more room for condemning the "heroes" as those who went against the natural order, but of course if they die in the process they have only proven to be weak and been rightly eliminated.

The Christians can get offended at this because they claim God has spoken and declared the purpose of creation and the moral standards by which man is judged, but if you can believe nothing created everything, that our conscience is a lie and that it is all meaningless - you need not be burdened with such things!


  1. I believe that deep down, your last paragraph sums up the underlying cause of why people really claim to believe in nothing. If I tell myself enough that God is not real, then it follows that sin is not real, nor any consequences for that sin. That may seem freeing as it in theory allows US to do whatever WE want. But not so, my friend. Romans 6:16 basically tells us that whatever we present(dedicate) ourselves to, WE become a slave to IT. And to your comments sir, even leaving the Lord Jesus Christ aside for the moment, do you have family or anyone you love? If all you say is true and all is meaningless, then if I steal from you, torture you, murder your child, you have no option but to grin and chalk it up to survival of the fittest. Has anything like that ever happened to you?
    And sir, do you realize that if you don't know God through Jesus Christ, you are totally without hope in this world? And if this is all useless, why do you waste time writing this blog? If evolution is real, why are there still monkeys? Why havent humans evolved? Darwin himself said that if an irreducibly complex organism was ever found in nature, it would destroy his theory utterly. I implore you to please behold and study one of God's creations, the human cell. It will not give you faith, that comes from God alone. But perhaps it will show you that evolution is false and that something else is needed. thanks for your time. Tommy Davidson, Jr.

  2. I Just want those wimpy atheists, those who try to have it both ways (morals/meaning/purpose)in an amoral evolution created world to see that they need to go all the way and embrace futility, even if makes everything they do ultimaitly pointless. If they won't be consistant they might as well become Christians, even if it means having to listen to their conscious or the Bible.
