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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Is it logical for atheists to put up holiday displays?

I noticed in the news this morning that in Santa Monica California some self-professed Atheists had secured space to put up a scene promoting their beliefs, much like the Christians are in the habit of doing. What is the point of spending time and money promoting beliefs, for or against God, in a universe that is said to exist without any objective moral standards or purpose? If you think Christianity or some other religion is bad or Atheism is good, haven't you just affirmed everything you deny by being Atheist?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

What is the problem with Bullies?

I saw a news story this morning where folks were getting all worked up about Bullies. They even had famous people like Lady Gaga sharing their outrage and desire to see bullying stopped. I would not have picked Ms. Gaga as a closet Christian, so I am not sure what problem she has with it?

Bullying is a normal part of the evolutionary/natural selection process and should not even be considered on moral grounds, as moral absolutes can't exist in the atheistic worldview. This makes even less sense when you consider the main object of the bullies in the story was LGBT people who won't likely be much use in the further evolution of the species anyway.

Now, I do understand that the Christians will look to their Bibles and claim we need to protect all people from harm even if they would describe their lifestyles as sinful - Rom. 13:10 "Love does no harm to its neighbor...", but for the logical and consistent atheist this "no bullying" talk is both inconsistent and meaningless.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Why do we bother with funerals? When Ebenezer Scrooge was asked about helping the poor in A Christmas Carol, he suggested they may as well die and "decrease the surplus population". His comment seems harsh, but in reality it seems very consistent with atheistic/evolutionary beliefs. What would he say at a funeral? He would not bother with such a thing (until he became a believer - icky!).

What is the point of funerals? Someone lives one day and dies or lives one hundred years and dies - does it really matter? They do stuff the majority say was positive or they do stuff the majority say was negative - who cares and why? Do we celebrate a mosquito for living long or sucking blood well? Why not? Probably because they are doing what mosquitoes do and their is nothing admirable or condemnable in it either way.

What makes us any different (unless you are a Christian)? Survival of the fittest makes every person equal with every other person and with every mosquito as well! We lived as long as we lived, did what we did and died without doing anything but playing our part in the amoral evolutionary machine.

How long will the Christian's beliefs keep overflowing onto everyone else and keep this world from being the cold, meaningless and amoral place it could be?

Wouldn't it be wonderful if people were consistent in their atheistic beliefs and when someone died - no one cared?

Friday, September 9, 2011

An Atheists View of 9-11

It is clear an atheist must take a very unpopular stance when it come to the 9-11 "tragedy" and upcoming memorial services. Survival of the fittest doesn't really allow for heroes and villains. The blind, cold and amoral process of evolution includes the reality of organisms killing each other, but we can't call that process bad any more than we could call the risking of one's life to save others good, noble or heroic. All this is merely a natural process. Survival of the fittest, assuming it is really the right way to describe a totally pointless universe, would leave more room for condemning the "heroes" as those who went against the natural order, but of course if they die in the process they have only proven to be weak and been rightly eliminated.

The Christians can get offended at this because they claim God has spoken and declared the purpose of creation and the moral standards by which man is judged, but if you can believe nothing created everything, that our conscience is a lie and that it is all meaningless - you need not be burdened with such things!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Movies and survival of the fittest

I watched Hotel Rwanda recently and was shocked by the mixed message we here from this and movies like it. The movie tells of the ethnic cleansing/genocide or what atheists/evolutionary believers would call survival of the fittest that took place in Rwanda during the early 90s.

People seem surprised by things like this as they happen over and over through history. There really only seem to be two different explanations. Either the Christians are right and God is real, believe He created us and these actions are objectively wrong because God has spoken and declared them to be in His word or we are simply the products of random and amoral actions over time and there is no basis for calling anything wrong. It could further be said that "survival of the fittest" would more likely mean these actions are right if we were able to meaningfully claim such a category for discussion within our worldview.

Atheist, believer in evolution - don't fret even if you are one day the object/victim of genocide like these 1,000,000 Rwandans, you can take comfort in making your contribution to the random meaningless progression of life on earth!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Pragmatism = The Atheist's moral compass!

Pragmatism, defined by me as "whatever works is right", is truly the atheist's moral compass. From the family, to education, to the highest levels of politics, pragmatism is how "right" and "wrong" must be determined. Of course the person with the most power or the "experts" they hire get to decide what the desired goal is and what "whatever works" looks like in the situation at hand. In the end, it is might that makes right. Of course their is no moral basis for accusing others of wrong as long as they can say this is what works.

Whatever works for ME is "right" - if I want to be a logical and consistent atheist!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Have you wiped out a weaker species today?

Survival of the fittest is at the very root of atheistic understandings of life. If you are not eliminating weaker species - you are not being consistent to your beliefs! The Christian's won't do this for you, so go conquer the weak or don't be surprised if the Fiddler Crabs or Humming Birds rise up and wipe you out one day!